Saturday, July 14, 2012


As the first post on my first blog, I want to say, "Welcome!" and, "Wow." I have really wanted to have my own blog for a while now and was so happy when I came of age and the time was right to do so. I am not quite sure where this blog is going to go. Like it's said in the title, I plan on talking about writing (my own and others), books, etc. and out-of-the-blue, random stuff. Like I might find something on Facebook or a real life experience and share it with you.
I have quite a few obsessions that may or may not be talked about frequently. They include the NFL team, the Green Bay Packers, Shakespeare, and True Blood. So if I tend to go on and on about them, please excuse me.
I plan on having the first real post up soon. See ya then. Bye!

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