Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day and an Update

I have gotten really off track with my blog and don't find myself being as caught up with it as I would like to be. However, I would like to touch on the subject of that famous 24-hour period reserved for expressing your love: Valentine's Day.

Today at school I talked with some of my teachers about their views on the day and a lot of them claimed the day to be one that's "manufactured" and a "con to get people to spend money." I agree to an extent. Yes, stores rake in a lot of green for those overpriced teddy bears and fancy chocolates, but there is an essence of appreciation on the day. Appreciation for your parents. Appreciation for your friends. And most commonly, appreciation for your significant others.

There are always those people who are quite bitter come February 14th because of being single. But more people need to realize that there is more significance to Valentine's Day than what meets the eye. It's a time when you take a look at the people you surround yourself with and think, "What amazing people I have in my life," but hey, you can do that any day of the year.

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